Tag Archives: benefits of organic foods

Everything You Need to Know About Organic Foods

It’s no secret: the organic-food industry is a booming business. According to the Hartman Group, a marketing research firm, approximately 70 percent of Americans buy organic food products from time to time. Nearly one-quarter of Americans purchase organic foods on a weekly basis. For some, organic foods are the healthier way to go. For others, organic foods are bought just because they like the taste of a particular product. Regardless of why you decide to go organic, there is a significant price increase that comes along with going organic – up to a 50 percent price hike. As a result, it is important to understand what you are buying before you make it to the checkout line in your local grocery store.

What exactly is organic food?

Before going organic, it is important to understand what organic foods are. Organic foods are allowed to be produced with certain synthetic ingredients, provided they adhere to the standards set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture when it comes to organic foods. Generally speaking, organic foods are made from crops that are grown without synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, biotechnology or irradiation – which is a form of radiation that is used to kill bacteria on crops. On organic farms, the animals eat organically grown feed. Additionally, these animals are not as confined as animals you would find on a traditional farm. Another important to understand regarding organic foods is that animals on organic farms are raised without the use of synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics, thus making organic products more natural.

Are organic products really better for me?

Organic foods come without the pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals than conventional foods do. As a result, a majority of researchers will tell you that organic foods have a higher nutritional value. Research has shown that pesticides in our foods can cause everything from birth defects to cancer to headaches. However, many experts will tell you that the levels of pesticides and fertilizers in regular, conventional food products are safe for a majority of healthy adults. On the other hand, exposure to even small amounts of pesticides can be dangerous to children as well as unborn fetuses – this is due to weakened immune systems. Pesticides can also be dangerous to pregnant women as pesticides can place excessive strain on already strained body parts.

Some researchers will tell you that pesticide contamination is not as much of a concern in meat and dairy products as the antibiotics that are given to a large number of farm animals. Why? Many of these antibiotics are the same antibiotics that humans use should they develop a bacterial infection. When a human takes too much of an antibiotic, they can become resistant to it. As a result, antibiotics can become less effective in fighting infections, according to Dr. Chuck Benbrook, a chief scientist at the Organic Center.

Are organic products worth it?

If you can afford it, go for it. Buy local and organic products. If you cannot afford to purchase all organic products, aim to purchase some products that are organic. The Environmental Working Group strongly recommends purchasing grapes, lettuce, strawberries, peaches, cherries, apples, pears, spinach, celery, sweet bell peppers and potatoes organically.